Archive-7 : ICFRE Institutes Updates 01st January, 2017 - 14th December, 2017
A Report on the exposure visit of students from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi to the Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi on 06th December, 2017. More............ IFP: 14.12.2017 |
A Report on the celebration of International Mountain Day at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 11th December, 2017 More............ HFRI.: 14.12.2017 |
A Report on the Visit of Forest Range Officers from Assam to the Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi on 12th December, 2017. More............ IFP: 13.12.2017 |
A Report on three days training programme on 'Application of Bio-fertilizers' conducted from 28th to 30th November 2017 at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More............ IFGTB: 06.12.2017 |
A Report on the Second Regional Research Conference (RRC) of the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun was held at Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur on 23rd November 2017 More............ AFRI.: 01.12.2017 |
A Report on the Exhibition stall of HFRI in 2nd Himachal Pradesh Science Congress at Peterhoff, Shimla, HP, 2017 More............ HFRI.: 01.12.2017 |
A Report on Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun is organized a 3 days specialized training from 14th - 16th November, 2017 on "Development of Agroforestry Practices" More............ FRI.: 28.11.2017 |
A Report on the Training Program from 15.11.17 - 16.11.17 at Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi More............ IFP.: 27.11.2017 |
A Report on the Training Program from 20th - 22nd November 2017 at HFRI, Shimla More............ HFRI.: 27.11.2017 |
A Report on RFRI, Jorhat (Assam) conducted a Week-long Training of IFS Officers from 6th to 10th November, 2017 More............ RFRI.: 27.11.2017 |
A Report on Training Programme on 'Nursery Techniques of Juniper & other important broad-leaved species of cold deserts and high altitude medicinal plants' during 14th & 15th November 2017' at Kaza More............ HFRI.: 22.11.2017 |
A Report on "Training Programme on Forest Genetic Resource Assessment, Conservation & Management for other stakeholders organized by IFB, Hyderabad from 01st to 03rd Nov., 2017 More............ IFB.: 17.11.2017 |
A Report on " Vigilance Awareness Week 2017" from 30th October to 4th November 2017 celebrated at HFRI, Shimla More............ HFRI.: 15.11.2017 |
A Report on the Vigilance Awareness Week celebrated by Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding, Coimbatore from 30th October to 4th November, 2017. More............ IFGTB: 10.11.2017 |
A Report on the Visit of Director General, ICFRE to Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding, Coimbatore on 29th and 30th October, 2017. More............ IFGTB: 10.11.2017 |
A Report on the Vigilance Awareness Week celebrated by Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi from 30th October to 4th November, 2017. More............ IFP: 10.11.2017 |
A Report on the Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat grants non-exclusive license for multiplication of Bamboo More............ RFRI: 10.11.2017 |
A Report on the Vigilance Awareness Week observed by Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat More............ RFRI: 07.11.2017 |
A Report on Five days training on "Additional income from bamboo based handicraft products" was inaugurated by Dr. S.C. Gairola, DG, ICFRE, Dehradun on 27th October, 2017 at TFRI, Jabalpur. More............ TFRI: 31.10.2017 |
A Report on Dr. S.C. Gairola, IFS, Director General, ICFRE, Dehradun visited TFRI, Jabalpur (MP) during 26 – 28 October 2017. More............ TFRI: 31.10.2017 |
A Report on TFRI organized two days training/ workshop on "Carbon sequestration through wood and bamboo products" for IFS officers. More............ TFRI: 31.10.2017 |
A Report on XIX Research Advisory Group Meeting of RFRI, Jorhat was held on 9-10 October, 2017 More............ RFRI: 31.10.2017 |
A Report on Exhibition Stall of Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla during Mega Exhibition "Destination Himachal Pradesh,2017" More............ HFRI: 30.10.2017 |
A report on the visit of worthy Director General, ICFRE to Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla from 19th to 22nd October, 2017. More............ HFRI: 25.10.2017 |
A report on the Training on Insect-Pest Management in Medicinal Plants organized by HFRI, Shimla at Udaipur, Lahaul Valley, Himachal Pradesh from 25th to 27th September, 2017. More............ HFRI: 25.10.2017 |
A report on the 18th Research Advisory Group Meeting at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 13th October, 2017. More............ HFRI: 23.10.2017 |
Report of "Special Drive on Swatch Bharath Mission" held at IFGTB campus on 17.10.2017. More.......... IFGTB: 20.10.2017 |
A Report on "Bioprospecting and Biopiracy" training conducted under Forestry Training and Capacity building for other stakeholders from 10-12 October, 2017 at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More.......... IFGTB: 20.10.2017 |
A report on the 26th Research Advisory Group Meeting organized by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur on 03rd and 04th October, 2017. More.......... TFRI: 16.10.2017 |
A report on the training on Role of Forestry in Sustainable Livelihood and Rural Development sponsored by MoEF&CC, New Delhi organized by RFRI, Jorhat from 20th to 22nd September, 2017. More........... RFRI: 12.10.2017 |
A report on the celebration of Hindi Divas and Hindi Pakhwada at Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur from 14th to 30th September, 2017. More.......... TFRI: 11.10.2017 |
A report on the one day Kisan Mela at Field Research Station-cum-Van Vigyan Kendra, Leh organized by HFRI, Shimla in collaboration with Jammu & Kashmir Forest Department, Leh on 26th Sept., 2017. More............ HFRI: 11.10.2017 |
A report on the celebration of Hindi Pakhwara at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla from 14th to 28th September, 2017. More............ HFRI: 06.10.2017 |
A report on training programme on Agroforestry and Land Management at Van Vigyan Kendra, Hoshiarpur conducted by Extension Division, FRI, Dehra Dun from 18th to 20th September, 2017. More.......... FRI: 06.10.2017 |
A report on the Swachh Bharat Mission during September, 2017 at ARCBR, Aizawl, Mizoram. More.......... ARCBR: 06.10.2017 |
A report on the celebration of World Ozone Day at Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat on 17th September, 2017. More.......... RFRI: 03.10.2017 |
A report on the training programme on 'Forestry in Addressing Livelihood Issues of People of North Eastern States organized by Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat from 06th to 08th September, 2017. More.......... RFRI: 03.10.2017 |
A report on the Training on Cultivation of Atish, Ban Kakri, Chora and other important temperate medicinal plants organized by HFRI Shimla on 22nd September, 2017. More.......... HFRI: 28.09.2017 |
A report on training programme on “Application of Biopesticides and Biofertilizers for Productivity of Forests” was held from 8-10 September, 2017 at Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur. More.......... TFRI: 15.09.2017 |
A report on monthly Seminar series, Shri Ajay Kumar, Scientist C of Ecology & Biodiversity Division delivered a presentation on Forest Resource Economics on 25th August, 2017 More.......... RFRI: 15.09.2017 |
A report on RFRI, Jorhat (Assam) conducted a residential training from 24th to 27th August, 2017. More.......... RFRI: 14.09.2017 |
A report on RFRI, Jorhat (Assam) organized a training programme for visiting Trainees from Assam Forest School, Jalukbari, Guwahati (Assam) from 1st to 4th September, 2017. More.......... RFRI: 14.09.2017 |
A report on RFRI, Jorhat organized a training programme from 28th August to 9th September, 2017. More.......... RFRI: 14.09.2017 |
A report on the visit of Mr. Chowna Mein, Deputy Chief Minister, Arunachal Pradesh to Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat on 11th September, 2017. More.......... RFRI: 13.09.2017 |
A report on the Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat participated in the Resham Krishi Mela organized by Central Muga Eri Research & Training Institute at Lahdoigarh on 29th August, 2017. More.......... RFRI: 13.09.2017 |
A report on three days Training on Cultivation of important temperate medicinal plants organized by Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla from 28th to 30th August, 2017. More.......... HFRI: 05.09.2017 |
A report on the one week Farmer's Training under VVK on Nursery management and value addition of bamboo and Rattan from 21st to 25th August, 2017 at ARCBR, Aizawl, Mizoram. More.......... ARCBR: 04.09.2017 |
A report on the two days Training on 'Culture and Multiplication of Trichoderma Viride from organic wastes' organized by IFGTB, Coimbatore on 29th & 30th August, 2017. More.......... IFGTB: 04.09.2017 |
A report on the Institute level periodical seminar on Mapping of Invasive Alien Species using Remote Sensing and GIS organized by IFGTB, Coimbatore on 28th August, 2017. More.......... IFGTB: 01.09.2017 |
A report on the three days training on cultivation and utilization of Bamboo organized by Extension Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun from 22nd to 24th August, 2017. More............ FRI: 01.09.2017 |
A report on the training on Capacity building on the development of Tree rich biobooster to Irular tribes in forest fringe villages of Coimbatore organized by IFGTB, Coimbatore on 23rd August, 2017. More.......... IFGTB: 30.08.2017 |
A report on the one day Training on Cultivation of Atish, Ban Kakri, Chora and other important temperate medicinal plants organized by HFRI, Shimla at Bhadarwah, Jammu on 22nd August, 2017. More.......... HFRI: 29.08.2017 |
A report on the one day Training on Chilgoza Ribba organized by Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 09th August, 2017 at Kinnaur district. More.......... HFRI: 23.08.2017 |
A report on the one day Training on Chilgoza Rispa organized by Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 10th August, 2017 at Kinnaur district. More.......... HFRI: 23.08.2017 |
A report on the training on Capacity building on the development of Tree rich biobooster to Irular tribes in forest fringe villages of Coimbatore organized by IFGTB, Coimbatore on 18th August, 2017. More.......... IFGTB: 23.08.2017 |
A report on the celebration of Independence Day at Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur on 15th August, 2017. More.......... AFRI: 23.08.2017 |
A report on the one day workshop on Stakeholders at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 11th August, 2017. More.......... HFRI: 22.08.2017 |
A report on the celebration of Independence Day at Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat on 15th August, 2017. More.......... RFRI: 21.08.2017 |
A report on the celebration of Independence Day at Institute of Forest Productivity, IFP, Ranchi on 15th August, 2017. More.......... IFP: 18.08.2017 |
A report on the celebration of Independence Day at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 15th August, 2017. More.......... HFRI: 18.08.2017 |
A report on the Regional Research Conference for one day held at Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore on 17th July, 2017. More.............. IWST: 02.08.2017 |
A report on the 5th edition of Dr. S. Kedharnath Memorial Lecture conducted by Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding, Coimbatore on 28th July, 2017. More.............. IFGTB: 01.08.2017 |
A report on the institute level periodical seminar on Reproductive Biology: In Tropical Forestry from hybridisation to species recovery on 21st July, 2017 at IFGTB, Coimbatore More.......... IFGTB: 01.08.2017 |
A report on the training programme on 'Planting Stock Improvement for Productivity Enhancement' from 18th to 20th July, 2017 organized by Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla. More.......... HFRI: 24.07.2017 |
A report on the launch of Biometric Attendance System at Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur on 20th July, 2017. More.......... AFRI: 24.07.2017 |
A report on the three days training programme on 'Sustainable harvesting, processing and value additions of NTFPs from 28th to 30th June, 2017 at Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur. More.......... TFRI: 20.07.2017 |
A report on the celebration of Van Mahotsava at Institute of Forest Productivity on 10th July, 2017. More.......... IFP: 13.07.2017 |
Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat observed Swachh Bharat Abhiyana on 14th June, 2017 with the objective of creating awareness among the Staff members about cleanliness. More........... RFRI: 11.07.2017 |
A report on the celebration of Van Mahotsava from 01st July to 07th July, 2017 with various programmes at Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat. More........... RFRI: 11.07.2017 |
A report on the 15 day's Skill Development Training for Eri Enterpreneurs from 25th June to 09th July, 2017 at Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat. More........... RFRI: 10.07.2017 |
A report on the celebration of Van Mahotsava at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 06th July, 2017. More.......... HFRI: 10.07.2017 |
A report on the four day's Skill Development Training on Cultivation of Wild Edible Mushrooms from 20th June to 23rd June, 2017 at Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat. More........... RFRI: 10.07.2017 |
A report on the visit of Forest Guard Trainees of Forest Training Institute and Ranger College, Sundernagar (HP) to Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 14th June, 2017 More.......... HFRI: 07.07.2017 |
A report on the celebration of Hindi Workshop organized by Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 14th June, 2017 More........... HFRI: 07.07.2017 |
A report on the celebration of 03rd International Yoga Day at Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat on 21st June, 2017. More........... RFRI: 04.07.2017 |
A report on the two days Skill Development Training on Lac Cultivation & Processing for Livelihood Support conducted by RFRI, Jorhat at Van Vigyan Kendra, Chessa, AP from 07th to 08th June, 2017. More........... RFRI: 04.07.2017 |
A report on the celebration of Van Mahotsava at Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur on 02nd July, 2017. More........... TFRI: 03.07.2017 |
A report on the visit of IFS Probationers to HFRI Western Himalayan Temperate Arboretum at Shimla More........... HFRI: 29.06.2017 |
A report on the Science Express Climate Action Special (SECAS) was stationed at the Karur Railway Station in Tamilnadu from 20.06.2017 to 22.06.2017 More........... IFGTB: 29.06.2017 |
A report on the Mr. Chowna Mein, Deputy Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh visited Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat (Assam) on 26th June, 2017. More........... RFRI: 29.06.2017 |
A report on the 3rd International Yoga Day was celebrated jointly by TFRI and 29th ITBP on 21.06.2017 at Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur. More........... TFRI: 28.06.2017 |
A report on the celebration of 3rd International Yoga Day on 21.06.2017 at Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi. More........... IFP: 27.06.2017 |
A report on the celebration of 3rd International Yoga Day on 21.06.2017 at Centre for Forest-Based Livelihoods and Extension, Agartala. More........... CFLE: 23.06.2017 |
A report on the celebration of International Yoga Day on 21.06.2017 at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla. More........... HFRI: 23.06.2017 |
A report on the celebration of World Day to Combat Desertification on 17.06.2017 at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla. More........... HFRI: 23.06.2017 |
A report on the "Swatchta Pakhwara" from 01.06.2017 to 15.06.2017 at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla. More........... HFRI: 23.06.2017 |
A report on the celebration of World Environment Day at Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat on 05th June, 2017. More............. RFRI: 14.06.2017 |
A report on the visit of Director General, ICFRE to Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat on 31st May and 01st June, 2017. More............. RFRI: 14.06.2017 |
A report on the Awareness Workshop on Management of Forest Weed Species organized by Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat collaboration with Sivasagar Forest Division on 18th May, 2017. More............. RFRI: 14.06.2017 |
A report on the celebration of the World Environment Day on 05th June, 2017 at Institute of Wood Science & Technology Bengaluru. More........... IWST: 13.06.2017 |
A report on the celebration of World Environment Day at Institute of Forest Biodiversity, Hyderabad on 05th June, 2017. More........... IFB: 09.06.2017 |
A report on the celebration of World Environment Day at Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur on 05th June, 2017. More........... TFRI: 07.06.2017 |
A report on the celebration of World Environment Day at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 05th June, 2017. More........... HFRI: 07.06.2017 |
A report on the celebration of World Environment Day at Centre for Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation, Allahabad on 05th June, 2017. More........... CSFER: 07.06.2017 |
A report on extension activities for the month of March, 2017 at Arid Forest Research Institute (AFRI), Jodhpur. More........... AFRI: 02.06.2017 |
A report on the visit of Forest Range Officers of Uttarakhand Forestry Training Institute, Haldwani at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 31st May, 2017. More........... HFRI: 02.06.2017 |
A report on extension activities for the month of February, 2017 at Arid Forest Research Institute (AFRI), Jodhpur. More........... AFRI: 02.06.2017 |
A report on the Nature Trail to Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary organized by Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat on 28th May, 2017. More........... RFRI: 30.05.2017 |
A report on the inception meeting cum workshop on NTPC Project at Guwahati organized by Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat on 05th May, 2017. More........... RFRI: 30.05.2017 |
A report on the Exposure visit of 32 Trainees from Soil Conservation Training Institute, Burnihat to Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat on 07th April, 2017. More........... RFRI: 30.05.2017 |
A report on the celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity on 22nd May, 2017 at Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding, Coimbatore More........... IFGTB: 29.05.2017 |
A report on the celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity on 22nd May, 2017 at Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun. More.......... FRI: 29.05.2017 |
A report on the celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity on 22nd May, 2017 at Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur. More........... TFRI: 29.05.2017 |
A report on the celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity on 22nd May, 2017 at Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat. More........... RFRI: 26.05.2017 |
A report on the celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity on 22nd May, 2017 at Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi. More........... IFP: 26.05.2017 |
A report on the celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity on 22nd May, 2017 at Institute of Wood Science & Technology Bengaluru. More........... IWST: 26.05.2017 |
A report on the Forester Trainees of Forestry Training Institute, Pinjore, Haryana visited Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur on 05th January, 2017. More........... AFRI: 20.04.2017 |
A report on the students of M.Sc. (Geoinformatics), School of Earth Sciences, Sholapur University, Sholapur visited Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur on 27th December, 2016. More........... AFRI: 20.04.2017 |
A report on the students of B.Sc. (Final year), College of Horticulture and Forestry, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh visited Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur on 21st December, 2016. More........... AFRI: 20.04.2017 |
A report on the two days Training Programme on Nursery Management at Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur on 08th and 09th December, 2016. More........... AFRI: 19.04.2017 |
A report on the visit of Assam Forest Front Line Staff of Assam Forest Department to Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur on 08th December, 2016. More........... AFRI: 19.04.2017 |
Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat conducted a training for Trainee Forest Range Officers of 2016-18 batch from Central Academy of Forest Education, Kurseong, Darjeeling from 02nd to 06th January, 2017. More........... RFRI: 13.04.2017 |
One week HRD Training on "Germplasm Conservation and Documentation" for research support staff of ICFRE organized at IFGTB, Coimbatore from 20th to 24th March, 2017. More........... IFGTB: 12.04.2017 |
RFRI, Jorhat conducted a training sponsored by three Progressive Farmaers of Telengana State on 'Nursery, Plantation Management & Artificial Inoculation of Agar Trees' on 23rd & 24th February, 2017. More........... RFRI: 12.04.2017 |
Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat conducted a training for Forester Trainees (12th Batch) from Assam Forest School, Jalukbari, Guwahati on 13th & 14th February, 2017. More........... RFRI: 07.04.2017 |
Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat organized a Skill Development Training on Lac Cultivation and Processing from 9th to 10th February, 2017 under Van Vigyan Kendra of Arunachal Pradesh at Deomali. More........... RFRI: 06.04.2017 |
A report on the Educational tour of post graduate students and faculty members from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh to Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 01st April, 2017. More........... HFRI: 06.04.2017 |
A report on the two days training workshop on Bamboo Resource Development for Addressing Livelihood Concerns of Communities for the officers of Indian Forest Service. More........... RFRI: 05.04.2017 |
A report on the RFRI, Jorhat conducted an Exposure Visit cum Training Programme on Bamboo Value Chain Development for the People of Miao, Changlang Distt. of Arunachal Pradesh from 10th to 14th Nov., 2016. More........... RFRI: 05.04.2017 |
A report on the Workshop cum consultative meeting on Biodiversity Management Plan and Regional Wildlife Plan for Makum Coalfields, Assam organized by RFRI, Jorhat on 15th March, 2017. More........... RFRI: 03.04.2017 |
A report on the celebration of International Day of Forests at Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur on 21st March, 2017. More........... TFRI: 29.03.2017 |
Secretary of MoEF&CC Shri Ajay Narayan Jha, IAS released the mobile application (android) on important tree pests of South India on 17th March, 2017 at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More........... IFGTB: 29.03.2017 |
A report on the celebration of International Day of Forests at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 21st March, 2017. More........... HFRI: 24.03.2017 |
A report on the two days Training Programme on Bamboo Handicrafts art at Van Vigyan Kendra, Jharkhand organized by IFP, Ranchi on 16th & 17th March, 2017. More........... IFP: 23.03.2017 |
A report on the three days Training Programme on Agricultural Forestry and Modern Nursery at Van Vigyan Kendra, Jadua, Bihar organized by IFP, Ranchi from 06th to 08th March, 2017. More........... IFP: 23.03.2017 |
A report on the one day conference on 'Medicinal plants: cultivation and marketing' on 17th March, 2017 organized by Extension Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun. More........... FRI: 22.03.2017 |
Proceedings and Recommendations of National Workshop on Important Timber Trees of India on 09th and 10th February, 2017 at IFGTB, Coimbatore. More........... IFGTB: 21.03.2017 |
A report on the visit of high level delegation from Ethiopia to Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 17th March, 2017. More........... HFRI: 20.03.2017 |
A report on the one day conference on Agroforestry - An approach to Livelihood Improvement held at CSFER, Allahabad on 03rd March, 2017. More........... CSFER: 17.03.2017 |
A report on the participation of Dr. Mamta Purohit, Forest Extension Division, TFRI, Jabalpur in the Rashtriya Gramin Vikas evam Sarankshan Karyakram on 17th February, 2017. More........... TFRI: 16.03.2017 |
A report on the training on Sandalwood - Seed Handling, Nursery and Plantation Technology organized by Institute of Wood Science & Technology, Bangalore from 27th Feb. to 03rd March, 2017. More........... IWST: 14.03.2017 |
A report on Training programs on the Advanced Vocational, Tree Improvement, Agriculture and Plantation by the Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur from 28th and 1st March 2017. More........... TFRI: 10.03.2017 |
A report on the two days orientation Programme on Tree Plantation (Agroforestry) & its management organized by TFRI, Jabalpur from 22nd to 23rd February, 2017. More........... TFRI: 07.03.2017 |
A report on the Training and Demonstration programme on Mass production of Kaphal Stock in the Nursery organized by HFRI, Shimla for local farmers on 27th February, 2017. More........... HFRI: 02.03.2017 |
A report on the Training on Integrated approaches towards sustainable management of Natural resources and organic farming for the farmers of Lanabaka Village organized by HFRI, Shimla on 20th - 21st February, 2017. More........... HFRI: 02.03.2017 |
A report on the Regional Farmers Mela on Tree Cultivation and Management Techniques organized by Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore on 22nd February, 2017 at AC&RI, Killikulam. More........... IFGTB: 01.03.2017 |
A report on the Training on Integrated Pest Management in Forestry and Control of Insect-pests and Diseases in Medicinal Plants organized by HFRI, Shimla from 16th - 18th February, 2017. More........... HFRI: 27.02.2017 |
A report on the Kisan Mela on 20th February, 2017 organized by Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla. More............ HFRI: 22.02.2017 |
A report on the celebration of National Productivity Week-2017 from 12th to 18th February, 2017 at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla. More............ HFRI: 22.02.2017 |
A report on the one day Training on GIS Application and its implication in Forestry organized by IFP, Ranchi on 13th February, 2017 at Van Vigyan Kendra, Hizli, Kadaghpur, West Bengal. More......... IFP: 21.02.2017 |
A report on the participation of Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi in the Exhibition cum Kisan Mela organized by Indian Institute of Resin and Gum (IIRG), Ranchi on 10th February, 2017. More......... IFP: 21.02.2017 |
A report on the one week training on Forest Genetic Resource Management and Conservation' organized by Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore from 13th to 17th February, 2017. More......... IFGTB: 16.02.2017 |
A report on the training on Biological Diversity Act, 2002 organized by Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore from 01st to 03rd February, 2017. More.............. IFGTB: 16.02.2017 |
A report on the Training Programme at Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur from 07th to 09th February, 2017. More.............. TFRI: 16.02.2017 |
A report on the visit of B.Sc. Forensic Science Students and Faculty from Jain University, J.C. Branch, Bengaluru to Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla on 10th February, 2017. More............ HFRI: 13.02.2017 |
A report on the one day training on Agroforestry organized by Centre of Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation, Allahabad in Magh Mela-2017 on 08th February, 2017. More.............. CSFER: 10.02.2017 |
A report on the Training on Seed and Nursery Techniques of Juniper, Conifers and High Altitude Medicinal Plants organized by HFRI, Shimla at Nogli, Rampur, Shimla from 02nd - 04th Feb., 2017. More........... HFRI: 09.02.2017 |
A report on the Training on Biodiversity Assessment, Monitoring and Conservation organized by Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla from 30th Jan., to 01st Feb., 2017. More........... HFRI: 07.02.2017 |
A report on the Training Programme at Van Vigyan Kendra, Jalana (Maharashtra) organized by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur on 23rd & 24th January, 2017. More.............. TFRI: 07.02.2017 |
Report on National Conference on Tree Improvement Research in India: Current Trends and Future Prospects organized by Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore on 02nd & 03rd Feb., 2017. More.......... IWST: 07.02.2017 |
Students of Forest College and Research Institute, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Mettupalayam visited Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur on 29th November, 2016. More.............. AFRI: 03.02.2017 |
A report on the celebration of 68th Republic Day at Himalayan Forest Research Institute (HFRI), Shimla on 26th January, 2017. More.............. HFRI: 01.02.2017 |
A report on the celebration of 68th Republic Day at Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore on 26th January, 2017. More.............. IFGTB: 31.01.2017 |
A report on the Demonstration Stall of Centre of Social Forestry and Eco-Rehabilitation, Allahabad in Magh Mela-2017. More.............. CSFER: 30.01.2017 |
A report on the five days Training on Bamboo Cultivation, Management and Marketing organized by Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi from 23rd to 27th January, 2017. More.............. IFP: 30.01.2017 |
A report on the celebration of 68th Republic Day at Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi on 26th January, 2017. More.............. IFP: 30.01.2017 |
A report on the celebration of 68th Republic Day at Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat on 26th January, 2017. More.............. RFRI: 27.01.2017 |
A report on the one day Farmers Training Programme on 'Tree Cultivation and Management Techniques' organized by IFGTB, Coimbatore on 05th January, 2017 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Tindivanam. More.............. IFGTB: 27.01.2017 |
A report on the one week winter course on Agro forestry systems organized by the Agroforestry Division of Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur from 9th to 13th January, 2017. More.............. TFRI: 24.01.2017 |
A report on the Training Programme on 'Digital Payments' organized by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur on 12th January, 2017. More.............. TFRI: 19.01.2017 |
A report on Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun organized an interactive meet on "Agroforestry and Livelihood" on 26th December, 2016 at Shatabdi Van Vigyan Kendra, Old Rangers College, Dehra Dun. More............. FRI: 10.01.2017 |
A report on the participation of Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur in the International Herbal Fair at Lal Parade Ground, Jahangeerbad, Bhopal from 20th to 24th December, 2016. More.............. TFRI: 05.01.2017 |
A report on the one day Training and Exposure Visit of Farmers of Distt. Purlia at Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi on 20th December, 2016. More.............. IFP: 03.01.2017 |
A report on the participation of Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi in the 28th Krishi Shilpa 'O' Banijya Mela at Chandipur, East Midnapur, West Bengal from 07th to 11th December, 2016. More.............. IFP: 02.01.2017 |
Updated on: 11July2017