Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
Fellow at School of Forestry, University of Canterbury, Christchurch
in 1995 from August to October, 1995.
Recipient of Gold Medal from Devi
Ahilya University, Indore, India for securing the highest position
in order of merit among postgraduate students in the university in
the year 1991.
Secured the highest position in order
of merit in Master of Technology degree.
Research Publication
of Research Papers Published:
27 in Journals and 14 in Conferences
of Research Papers Published:
Chauhan S.S., K. Entwistle and J.C.F.
Walker, 2007, The relationship between internal stress and acoustic
velocity in Eucalypts, Holzforschung 61: 60-64.
Ajay Karmarkar, S. S. Chauhan, Jayant
M. Modak and Manas Chanda. 2007, Mechanical properties of wood–fiber
reinforced polypropylene composites: Effect of a novel
compatibilizer with isocyanate functional group. Composites Part A
38: 227-233.
Pankaj Aggarwal, S. S. Chauhan and S.
Viswanath, (2007): Growth strains in 12-year old plantation of
Tectona grandis, Journal of Indian Academy of Wood Science,
Vol4(1&2): 18-23
Chauhan S. S. and J.C.F. Walker. 2006,
Variations in acoustic velocity and density with age, and their
interrelationships in radiata pine. Forest Ecology and Management:
Chauhan S. S., N. K. Upreti and Anil
Sethy, 2006, Drying behaviour of some plantation grown timbers in
forced air drying, Journal of Ind. Academy of wood Science Vol 3(1):
Chauhan S. S., Ajay Karmarkar and
Pankaj Aggarwal, 2006, Evaluation of dynamic elastic properties of
wood-polypropylene composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,
Vol 102:1706-1711.
Carter P., S. Chauhan and J. Walker,
2006, Sorting logs and lumber for stiffness using Director HM200,
Wood and Fibre Science, 38(1):49-54.
Chauhan S.S., K. Entwistle and J.C.F.
Walker, 2005, Differences in acoustic velocity by resonance and
transit-time methods in an anisotropic laminated wood medium.
Holzforschung, 59: 428-434.
Bradley A, S.S Chauhan, J. Walker and
P. Banham. 2005. Using acoustics in log segregation to optimise
energy use in thermo-mechanical pulping. Appita J. 58(4): 308-313.
Chauhan S.S., and JCF Walker, 2004,
Relationships between longitudinal growth strain and some wood
properties in Eucalyptus nitens. Australian Forestry 67(4):254.
Nagaveni H.C., G. Vaijayalakshmi and
S. S. Chauhan, 2005, Decay resistance of esterified and
oligoesterified rubber wood (Hevea brasiliensis), Journal of
Tropical Forest Science, 17(4): 462-473.
Chauhan S. S. and H.C. Nagaveni, 2005,
Moisture adsorption behaviour of rubber wood decayed by white and
brown rot fungi, IRG Documents IRG/WP 05-40306.
Aggarwal P. K., S. S. Chauhan and A.
Karmarkar. 2006. Growth strains in Acacia auriculaeformis trees of
different age; their relationship with growth rate and height ,
Journal of Institute of Wood Science, Vol 17(4):212-215.
Chauhan S.S. and P.K. Aggarwal, 2004,
Effect of moisture sorption state on transverse dimensional changes
in wood. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 62:50-55.
Linda C.H.Y, S. S. Chauhan, H.
Lindstorm and N. King, 2003. Relationship between stemwood MOE and
branchwood MOE. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 33(1):35:46
Aggarwal P.K., S.S. Chauhan, NRN
Prasad and KS Rao. 2003, Water repellent treatments for catamaran
grade Bombax ceiba wood. Indian Journal of Marine Science
Aggarwal P.K., S.S. Chauhan and A.
Karmarkar, 2002, Variation in longitudinal growth strains,
volumetric shrinkage and modulus of elasticity and their
inter-relationships in Acacia auriculaeformis, Journal of Tropical
Forest Products, Malaysia. 8(2):135-142.
Aggarwal P.K., S.S. Chauhan and A.
Karmarkar, 2002, Reduction of growth stresses in logs of Acacia
auriculaeformis by heat treatment. Wood News 12(2): 36-39.
Nagaveni, H.C., S. S. Chauhan and K.S.
Rao, 2002, Differential behaviour of Wood rotters on water repellent
rubber wood, IRG Documents IRG/WP 00-10386.
Chauhan S.S., P.K. Aggarwal, A.
Karmarkar and K.K. Pandey. 2001. Moisture adsorption behaviour of
esterified rubber wood. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 59(4):250-253.
Nagaveni H.C, H.S. Ananthapadmanabha,
G. Vijayalakshmi and S.S. Chauhan, 2001 Effect of chromic acid
treatment on deterioration of rubber wood. Wood News. No.10 (3).
Arun kumar AN, YB Srinivasa and S.S.
Chauhan, 2001, Growth ring convergence in Teak. Current Science,
Pandey K. K., S. S. Chauhan and Pankaj
K. Aggarwal. 1998. Reaction of wood with inorganic salts. Holz als
Roh- und Werkstoff. 56: 412-415.
Aggarwal P. K., S.S.Chauhan, A.
Karmarkar and A.K.Ananthanarayana. 1998. Distribution of growth
stresses in logs of Acacia auriculaeformis. J. of Tropical Forest
Products Malaysia. 4(1): 87-89
Pankaj K.Aggarwal, S.S.Chauhan, Ajay
Karmarkar and A.K.Ananthanarayana. 1997. “Measurement of
Longitudinal Growth Strains in Eucalyptus tereticornis by Strain
Gauge Technique”. Wood News. 7 (3) : 27-30.
S. S. Chauhan, P. K. Aggarwal, A.
Karmarkar and A.K. Ananthanarayana. 1997. “Water Repellency in
Treated Hevea brasiliensis and Mangifera indica Wood”.
Holz-als-Roh-und-Werkstoff. 55: 203-205.
S. S. Chauhan, Pankaj K. Aggarwal,
Ajay Karmarkar and A.K.Ananthanarayana. 1997. “Sorption and
Shrinkage Behaviour of Acacia auriculaeformis Wood”. Journal of
Timber Development Association of India. XLIII(2) : 5-9.
Papers Published in Proceedings of Symposiums/Conferences:
Chauhan S. S. (2007): Knocking Bamboo:
a quick method to assess the stiffness of bamboo in round form.
Presented in the National Conference on Bamboos: Management,
conservation, value addition and promotion held at Tropical Forest
Research Institutem Jabalpur on 12-14 March 2007.
Ajay Karmarkar, S. S. Chauhan and
Pankaj Aggarwal (2007): Bamboo flour filled polypropylene
composites: Preparation and characterization. Presented in the
National Conference on Bamboos: Management, conservation, value
addition and promotion held at Tropical Forest Research Institute,
Jabalpur on 12-14 March 2007.
Chauhan S. S. and Pankaj Aggarwal,
(2007): Growth models for Santalum album L. Plantations presented in
the National Seminar on Conservation, Improvement, Cultivation and
management of Sandal (Santalum album L.) held at Institute of Wood
Science and Technology, Bangalore on 12-13, December 2007.
Pankaj K. Aggarwal and S.S.Chauhan
(2007): Variation in growth strain in five clones of Eucalyptus
tereticornis. Presented in IUFRO All Division 5 Conference 2007 held
at Taipei, Taiwan from 29th Oct to 2nd November 2007.
Chauhan S. S. (2007): Desiccant based
dehumidification drying of wood, Presented in The Indo-Italian
Seminar on Wood drying: Principles and Practices” held at Institute
of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore on 19th Nov. 2007.
S. S. Chauhan, (2005),
Characterization and selection of wood according to end product,
Presented in one day seminar on “Quality issues in Forestry and
Forest products” on 20th Sept., 2005 organized by Italian Trade
commission and Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore.
S. Chauhan, K.Entwistle and J. walker
, (2003). “The relation between stress wave velocity and internal
stresses in Eucalypts”. Presented in IUFRO- All division 5
Conference (11-15th march 2003) at Rotorua, New Zealand ,.
Chauhan, S.S., M. Grabianowski. C.H.Y.
Hsu, and J.C.F. Walker, (2003). Acoustics and stiffness of logs and
wood: what is acoustics measuring? Workshop on High value products
from an understanding of wood and innovative processing WTRC,
University of Canterbury.
S. S. Chauhan, Ajay Karmarkar and K.
K. Pandey. (1998). “Dimensional Stabilisation of Rubber Wood by
Chemical Modification” Proceedings on National Seminar on
“Processing and Utilisation of Plantation Timbers and Bamboo” :
S. S. Chauhan and Pankaj K. Aggarwal.
(1998). “Wood for Lacquerware Craft and Wood Seasoning” Presented in
National Seminar on “Productivity in Lacquerware Craft” on Feb. 26
1998, Sponsored by Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India and
Organised by National Productivity Council, Bangalore.
Pankaj K. Aggarwal, Ajay Karmarkar and
S. S. Chauhan. (1998). “Measurement of Growth stresses in South
Indian Plantation Grown Species using Improved Strain Gauge
Technique” Proceedings on National Seminar on “Processing and
Utilisation of Plantation Timbers and Bamboo” : 267-273.
Pankaj K. Aggarwal, D. P. Khali, S. S.
Chauhan and C. R. Rangaswamy. (1997) “Contribution of Agroforestry
in Upgradation of Socio-economic Status of Rural People : A Case
Study”. Read at 2nd IUFRO Working Party Symposium on Forestry
Extension : Science and Practices for the 21st Century (7-12 Sept
1997) at Nairobi, Kenya.
Pankaj K. Aggarwal, S. S. Chauhan and
Ajay Karmarkar. (1997). “Growth Stress in Plantation Grown Timbers
and its Relevance to Wood Utilisation”. Presented in International
Workshop on “Forestry Research in Conservation of Forests” during
April 25-26, 1997 organised by ICFRE Dehradun.
S. S. Chauhan. (1995). “Fuelwood
Crisis in India : A System Dynamic Model.” Presented in Sixth
National Coference on “Planning for Sustainable Development - System
Dynamics Approach” during April 6-8, 1995, at National Environment
Engineering and Research Institute (CSIR), Nagpur.
Book Chapters:
Shakti Chauhan, Robert Donnelly, Chih-Lin
Huang, Ryogo Nakada, Yin Yafang and John Walker. Chapter-5: Wood
Quality- In Context, In “Primary wood processing” by J.C.F. Walker,
2006. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 121-155.
Shakti Chauhan, Robert Donnelly, Chih-Lin
Huang, Ryogo Nakada, Yin Yafang and John Walker. Chapter-6: Wood
Quality- Multifaceted Opportunities. In “Primary wood processing” by
J.C.F. Walker, 2006. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands,
Bulletins/Reports/Popular articles:
Final Technical Report on “Studies on
drying characteristics of plantation timbers in dehumidifier drying
kiln” by S. S. Chauhan submitted to ICFRE in April 2007.
“Associations between acoustic
velocity, MoE and wood density” by Shakti S. Chauhan and John
Walker, a report (confidential) prepared for Wood Quality
Initiatives Limited, New Zealand.
“A rapid and non-destructive technique
for estimating growth strains in tree and logs” by P.K. Aggarwal, A.
Karmarkar, S.S. Chauhan and A. K. Ananthanarayana A technical
bulletin published by Institute of Wood Science and Technology
Completed Projects:
on drying characteristics of plantation timbers in dehumidifier
drying kiln. Funded by ICFRE, Project cost : INR 0.1 million
Research Projects:
Principle Investigator, Studies on
influence of microwave treatment on drying characteristics and
treatability of wood, supported by ICFRE, Project cost INR 0.36
Main Investigator of a sub-project
“Studies on Seasoning and Preservation of Bamboos” (Financial outlay
– INR 1.25 millions) under the project, “An integrated approach of
bamboo improvement: Propagation, agroforestry models, protection,
processing and utilization” approved by National Bamboo Mission,
Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
Co-investigator; Development of Bamboo
filled thermoplastic composites; Funded by National Mission on
Bamboo Applications, Govt. of India. Project cost: INR 2.1 million.
Co-investigator, Effect of particle
size and their distribution on mechanical properties of wood-polymer
composites; Funded by ICFRE, Project cost: INR 1.5 million.
Dr. Shakti Singh Chauhan
Wood Seasoning and Preservation Division
of Wood Science and Technology
18th Cross, Malleswaram
Bangalore- 560003,
Karnataka State, India
Tel: 0091-80-22190176(O)
Fax:0091-80-23345029 E-Mail: